There are many species of plants in this genus, and all are tropical evergreen or semi-evergreen shrubs, native to Africa and Asia. It's said to be highly invasive in parts of Australia and I guess if it escaped into Florida or Hawaii, it might cause trouble. It's probably too cold here to grow it outdoors without protection, but it sure was pretty.
This little shrub is generally about 6 feet tall, and has an open, rather wiry appearance. The leaves are shiny green, and it blooms yellow in the spring. Shortly after flowering, the petals drop and fruit forms, attached to the bright red sepals. This plant is highly attractive to bees, birds and butterflies. An understory shrub, it performs best in light shade. We are just barely to the north of its preferred range, so we may be able to grow it here, with winter protection.
I was so happy to discover this plant!
Mouth-watering! Kind of looks like strawberries with blueberries and green grapes!