Hymenocallis galvestonensis or H. occidentalis. Indestructible. Beautiful. Vigorous. Southern. Galveston Spider Lily is a traditional passalong plant, native to the Gulf Coast region of the US and performing well in almost any garden. It is a member of the amaryllis family (the leaves are very similar) but the flower blooms later, once warm weather sets in. Spider Lily forms large clumps and is difficult to subdivide -- the deep-rooted bulbs are large and bulky, rather like a crinum.
I have grown this plant in full shade, full sun and everything in between. For me, it does best with morning sun and afternoon shade. (The afternoon sun bleaches the foliage a bit in my garden.) Frosts and freezes will damage the foliage in the winter, but it rapidly grows back from that large root system. After this winter's freeze, I separated mine - it was much easier without all the leaves! Even after reducing the size of the mother plant by two-thirds, I still have all the Spider Lily I'll ever need.
Mostly evergreen, perennial, native to Texas, 3-4' tall and as wide as you let it grow. Tolerates boggy conditions, light shade, clay soil. No disease problems. Only insect problem I've observed: snails. Available from grandmothers and garden clubs.
What’s Wrong with Orange?
15 hours ago
Hey, Elizabeth, this just opened in my garden and I absolutely love it! I posted about it on Monday: I thought it was a crinum until it bloomed. I'm still trying to figure out where I got it!